Want To Buy Cool Stuff in Fall River ?
Not your average yard sale!
55 gal tank
Fish tank
Dewalt 4400 psi pressure washer
Performatrin adult small breed dog food
Performatrin adult dog food
Craftsman weed wacker
5 Stackable Office Chairs
Office Chair
Brand new Medical book!
Brand new! I never used it!
For medical classes! Brand new!!
Lynxx pole saw 40V battery!!
Food4Patriots Survival Food 3 month...
kitchen table like new 4 months old
Black and Decker 5/8 hp Router
Craftsman 3/4 hp 3-in Belt Sander
Companion 3.2 Amp Sabre Saw
2 CD and picture holders
Easter Mini Sessions
Eclipe 4gb mp3 player
Bumble Bee Chunk Light Tuna In Water
Starbucks Ground Christmas Blend Coffee
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