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LUXURY FIND at Dollar Tree!

Just posting this to let everyone know about an affordable LUXURY FIND at Dollar Tree! This Vanilla Sugar Scent body wash sells for only $1.50, but the quality, performance, and scent is comparable to a high end product or brand!

No joke- if someone gave this to me as a gift and told me it was from Sephora, I wouldn't question it! It lathers, cleanses, and rinses so well. It leaves your skin so soft. And it smells absolutely DEVINE! Like decedent vanilla cupcake frosting, but make it EXPENSIVE and upscale!

If you are looking for an affordable gift for a loved one, while still showing them how much you care- this is an excellent option. Personally, I would be absolutely overjoyed to receive THIS as a gift!

Or, if you're in need of a pick me up, or some luxurious self care without draining your bank account... go ahead and treat yourself to THIS!

Enjoy! blush

[posted Apr 19, 2024]

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