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Vintage Mexican Black Clay Oaxacan Black-ware Handmade Burnished Clay Vase

These beautiful pieces from Oaxaca are always made by hand - never a potter's wheel or a mould. They are lovingly decorated by the artisan with patterns of flowers incised into the clay and then baked in a fire of thick black smoke - the finishing touch is the burnishing that gives the clay its gloss. These vases are called 'Black Clay or Barro Negro' and they are the most desired pottery style of Mexico. This one comes out of the 70s and is 4.25" x 4.25" with a classic rounded bottom and a typical gentle asymmetry which just points out its hand workmanship. A wonderful piece of art to add to your collection.

Thank you for looking at this item. I am selling it as I need to thin down my various collections which have grown huge over years of collecting. We are in White Rock - right by the Semihamoo Mall. Cash or PayPal please, not e-transfer. We are a - no smoking - no pet - home. If you are paying in cash I would appreciate exact change. We will be dropping the item off to you, by your car, in our parking lot,

Thanks, Andrea

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South Surrey/White Rock, British Columbia Buy and Sell

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