0-3M bodysuit + socks
NB lot
2t to 4t clothes
H&M bundle
NB set
Boy 9M mixed lot
Boy 9M bottoms mixed lot
Boy 9M tops mixed lot
Onesies mixed lot
Boy 12M short sleeve tops lot
Boy 12M long sleeves lot
Boy 12M bottom lot
12M boy lot (late spring/summer)
0-3M lot
Boy lot
Swaddle set
Newborn lot
6-12 month lot
12 month lot
24 month/2T clothing lot
12-18 month clothes lot
6-12 months
12M summer lot
Babyboy lot
3-6 M Lot
NEW newborn/0-3 lot- Carters/Old Navy
Brand new top and pants
Nike, calvin klein, little man mix
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