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LIL Peep (Gustav Ahr) Custom Handmade Pony beaded bracelets

I made a bracelet for Lil Peep (Gustav Elijah Ahr).This bracelets customized handmade with lots of time and effort. It's colorful (Red,White,Black,smiley faces, beads of these colors,a couple pinks,designed for peeps plush stuffed animals using orange and yellows "Lil Peeps chicks"

Will be making others and selling stuff off my Facebook as well please share!
Bethanie's Handmade Jewelry Goods and Designs is the Facebook Page
Making bracelets/anklets/keychains and soon to be more things to make money since I can't work I can make custom ones for artists/bands/ people Pets family names and other special custom ones if you'd like one they'll be priced as made.I plan on adding bundles to them to make them more worth it.Like adding anklets, molds, Pictures,keychains etc. as well!
#Lilpeep #peep#GustavAhr #Peeps #lilpeepbracelets
#LilPeepHandmadeMerch#bracelets #lilpeepponybeadedbracelet#jewelry #handmade #handmadejewelry#handmadewithlove #handmadegifts#crafts#gifts#custom #LilpeepcustomMerch#custommade #customized #fyp#different#gothic #customly#punk #emo#skate #rock#music#craftedkeychains #handcraftedjewelry#handcrafts
#beautiful #beadedbracelets#beads #beadjewery#beadbracelets
#customdesign#share#ShareThisPost #follow#beadedjewelry #customjewelry #differentdesigns #special #BethaniebutlerSpecialDesign
Prices vary and will be different & will ship them anywhere molds to come!

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