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Global Art Book New Activities Projects Inventions from Around the World

Travel the world with these 136 exciting art projects. Use everyday household items to make geography and culture come alive. Easy-to-do art and craft projects help children understand and appreciate people around the world.

Give children a piece of geography or history they can hold in their hands. Global Art makes geography, culture, and history real for children through direct, concrete experience. Over 135 projects provide exciting ways for young ones to travel the world. Crafting their own Nigerian Royalty Hangings, Chinese Printing Presses, and Peruvian Silver Wind Chimes will help them understand and appreciate the people who made these things.

The easy-to-do activities use everyday household items to create sculptures and decorations, paintings, drawings and much more. Each artifact to be made is accompanied by a map showing the geographic location of its source and fascinating information on its native land, culture, or history.

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