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Medela pump in style double electric breast pump and accessories brand new

The Pump In Style Advanced Breastpump Starter Set is part of Medela's patented 2-Phase Expression technology pump family. Why are Medela pumps different? Because Medela breastpumps have the original 2-Phase Expression technology which, using the one-touch let down button, has been shown to produce more milk in less time. Medela is the only company to provide proven, research-based pump technology that mimics a baby’s natural nursing pattern. Through research, Medela learned that there are two distinct phases of how babies breastfeed. Stimulation phase – when babies first go to breast, they suck faster to start milk flowing. Expression phase - after milk flow or "let down" starts, babies breastfeed with a slower deep suck to remove milk. The original 2-Phase Expression technology can only be found in Medela breastpumps. Medela offers a wide range of breastshield sizes. Using the right breastshield size is important to: Ensure proper suction Experience optimal milk removal. Achieve maximum pumping comfort. When pumping at Maximum Comfort Vacuum in the Expression phase.

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