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RCA 630 1946: The Best-Selling Early Television

The RCA 630TS television became an immediate hit when it was introduced in 1946, right after World War II. With its large (for the time) 10-inch screen, sleek Machine Age cabinet, and sophisticated electronics, it established a standard for postwar television technology and helped RCA to become a leader in that booming market.

Television existed before World War II, but in the prewar years, many US cities had no television stations. Only a few TV models were available, and only the very wealthy could afford to buy one.

After the war, TV broadcasting stations sprouted up like weeds, the mass media missed no opportunity to promote television, and consumers developed a thirst for affordable television receivers.

With an initial selling price of $435, the RCA 630TS was not exactly cheap. You could buy a decent automobile for that price! Nevertheless, RCA sold hundreds of thousands of 630s during the three year production run from 1946-1949.

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