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JXDN (Jaden Hossler) Custom Handmade Beaded Bracelet

I made a bracelet for the band Jxdn (Jaden Hossler). This bracelets customized handmade with lots of time and effort. It's colorful ( Red,White,Black,smiley face beads of these colors and a couple pink and purple colors and Smiley face Beads too for jaden and cooper(coop)!

Will be making others and selling stuff off my Facebook as well please share !
Bethanie's Handmade Jewelry Goods and Designs is the Facebook Page
Making bracelets/anklets/keychains and soon to be more things to make money since I can't work I can make custom ones for artists/bands/ people Pets family names and other special custom ones if you'd like one they'll be priced as made and I plan on adding bundles to them to make them more worth it as well like adding molds and pictures/keychains etc. as well!
#Lilpeep #peep#GustavAhr #Peeps #lilpeepbracelets
#LilPeepHandmadeMerch#bracelets #lilpeepponybeadedbracelet#jewelry #handmade #handmadejewelry#handmadewithlove #handmadegifts #crafts#gifts#custom #LilpeepcustomMerch#custommade #customized #fyp#different#gothic #customly#punk #emo #skate #rock#music#craftedkeychains #handcraftedjewelry#handcrafts
#beautiful #beadedbracelets#beads #beadjewery#beadbracelets
#customdesign#share#ShareThisPost #follow#beadedjewelry #customjewelry #differentdesigns #special #BethaniebutlerSpecialDesign
Prices vary and will be different & will ship them anywhere molds to come!

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