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I’m going home heart

This is my great great great grandfather Antoine Vandal . He is credited as the first Métis settler at saint Boniface Red River Valley. He was known for reading to children and teaching them to read. This would have been1800-1850. I’m never going to get to Winnipeg, or even back to the prairies living on this island. It has literally drained us emotionally and financially. We miss our daughters who live in Alberta. My family is all in Saskatchewan. It is just two expensive for people to come here and visit. That ferry…🤦🏽‍♀️… I hope to only ride once more . So with a heavy heart I announce that we are moving to Calgary in the fall. I will continue to do VarageSale in Calgary . I’ll be posting new stuff until June . This is your opportunity to purchase anything that you have been following. When I get to Calgary I’ll be marking up all the stuff that was on sale back to what it was. I will be having plants and garden ornaments. June and July and I will have about 150 different plants that will need to be dug up. My husband will have tools . I’ll be selling my little camping trailer that sits in the front yard too. But not till I get all the stuff organized that I have stored in it. I want to tell you how very much I appreciate each and every person I have met in the last 7 years while doing this. So many of you are regulars and I will miss all your comments of support for my grandchildren . Thank you thank you thank you. So very much.
I’ll be able to do viewings for the fabric etc Monday to Saturday 10-4 just message me to set up a time. So I’ll be here till September/ October at the latest. Lots of time to add to your stash. heart

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