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My online shopping stores!! Come, take a look.

I’ve had a few people ask me about my online shopping sites. These are three of the sites I sell on. There are a few others, but these are the better ones. If you see something you like, you can message me through the site or message me through. VS. I always run a lot of sales, people also can offer a price that they want to pay. I don’t know if anyone is interested but lots of people shop on these sites. Because you are all local you would not have to pay shipping. Do not buy anything through the site. Let me know if you are interested in something and you can get it at our meets. Thanks so much and happy shopping.
*Poshmark. Christinegra174
*Mercari. Christine Graham
*eBay. Christine’spreownedthriftboutique
Prices may vary on different sites because of different shipping cost, and the percentage I have to pay to sell it.

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